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How to choose your electric vehicle? Buyer’s guide Buyer’s guide

How to choose your electric vehicle? Buyer’s guide

The fact that you have reached this post is fantastic and very good sign. It means that you are interested in Electromobility and that you are already seriously considering taking the plunge and leaving your old ICE vehicle behind. And let me tell you, you have come to the right place. At Zunder we are committed to Electromobility users (and of course also to those who are soon to become Electromobility users). We want to help you, and that’s why today we’re going to tell you how to choose your electric vehicle.

We know that choosing a new car can be a long and tedious process. You will have visited dozens of manufacturers’ websites and read dozens of others providing information and advice. For this reason, we will be as brief as possible. We really hope to have cleared up some of your doubts by the time you get to the end of this post. Will you join us?

how do I choose my first electric vehicle

1- Don’t be hasty

This may seem too obvious a piece of advice, but in many cases it is not. Choosing a new car is not the same as choosing one brand or another of a product from the supermarket. Be aware that it will take quite a long time, so don’t be in a hurry. Your electric vehicle will be with you for many years to come, so it’s better to make the right choice than to regret it later.

2- Assess the use you are going to make of your electric vehicle

Before deciding on an electric vehicle model, consider its intended use.Are you only going to use it to get around town and to commute to work, or are you going to use it for long journeys on a regular basis? Will it be the main vehicle for the family or will you buy it as your second vehicle? As you probably already know, one of the differentiating factors of electric vehicles is their battery.. Although it is a factor in your final decision, other elements should not be overlooked.

  • I am looking for an electric car to get around the city

If you are looking for an electric vehicle for the city, consider its size (which is likely to help you find parking more easily), the equipment you will need and the creature comforts you are looking for.

It is likely that if your desired car is for this use, you will focus on a particular segment, looking for a compact and agile vehicle for everyday use.

In case you need any help, here is a post about electric vehicles that are ideal for the urban environment.

  • I am looking for an electric car to cover distances with

If you are buying your electric vehicle as a first choice, you are probably looking for other things. In this case, the battery capacity or maximum charging capacity is likely to be very important, in order to cover more miles and spend less time at each stop.

You will also need accessories such as navigation systems or driver assistance systems. A few creature comforts and probably plenty of room for all occupants to travel without running out of space for luggage or child seats. There are lovers of estate cars, saloons and SUVs. Best of all, no matter which segment you focus on, you will find electric vehicles that meet your needs.

We would also like to share with you our post about the electric vehicles ideally suited to travelling.

  • I am looking for an EV for commercial use

Yes, there are also electric vehicles for commercial use; in fact more and more workers/businessmen/self-employed people are opting for these vehicles. In addition to driving range, you may be interested in space if you will be transporting machinery, tools or if you will be using your electric vehicle for deliveries.

An electric vehicle can also be a great idea for your day-to-day work.

3- Make a list of electric vehicles that might convince you

Once you have assessed the options and narrowed it down: make a list. It is the easiest way to keep track of all the electric vehicles that you might be interested in and which are a fit for you. You can add to this list the distinguishing feature that made this car stand out to you. Another option to add to this list are the pros and cons of each of the models that you have shortlisted. All of them probably have something you like and some things that might be a bit off-putting, so it’s hard to find the perfect car for you at first glance. Keep these in perspective as well, this is important.

4- Check economic conditions (evaluate the MOVES Plan and financing)

We have now reached what is probably the most complicated point. As with any purchase, money will be a decisive factor. Set yourself a limit. Assess how far you can go. It is possible that after doing this, you will already have ruled out some of the electric vehicles that you listed.

We recommend that you do not focus solely on the monetary value of the car as such. As you probably already know, there are subsidies and financial aid available for the purchase of electric vehicles. Depending on the vehicle, the amount may vary. Here is a link to the official website of the IDAE so that you can consult it at your leisure.

At this point, you should also look at financing options. It is possible that the price may change substantially after review.

5- Make appointments and test drive cars

Talk to your local dealer or check their website to find out how you can request a test drive of the electric vehicle that you like. Some brands will even give you a 1-week loan vehicle to convince you.

Maybe some of the ones you liked will drop in your ranking list after driving them. Or, on the contrary, one of the ones you had practically discarded has made you fall in love with it after driving a few miles in it.

6- Make your choice

At this point, you may already have narrowed your choice right down. Only the final part remains. Choose the vehicle that suits you best and enjoy Electromobility! Beware; once you try an electric vehicle, you won’t want to go back to an ICE vehicle.

Having stepped through this post with us, we hope we have helped you to choose your electric vehicle. Or at least to clarify your ideas a little. Oh, by the way, we’ll be waiting for you at Zunder with our chargers wide open. See you soon, #ChargingHero!

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